How to Sign Up for FCCCC-Friends Mailing List?

FCCCC uses the fcccc-friends mailing list to keep friends informed of the current FCCCC events that are of general interest.  If you would like to receive emails from FCCCC's friends mailing list, you need to complete following two(2) steps. 如果您想收到本教会寄给朋友的电邮,请完成以下两个步骤。

  1. Click button "Join Our Mailing List" below 请点击以下按钮注册:
    Join Our Mailing List
  2. For security purpose and for your protection, you will receive further email instruction on how to update your profile after the above step. You need to update your profile by checking "FCCCC Friends" list and inputting your name. See an example.
If you would like to unsubscribe from the FCCCC-Friends mailing list, just click "SafeUnsubscribe" link at the bottom of an email from the FCCCC-Friends mailing list.