
NECCC 2007 New England Chinese Christian Conference

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中文報名表   English Registration Form


大會費用採自由奉獻 (Free Offering)  Please use two checks for the offering:  One is designated for room and board which is not tax deductible.  The other one is designated for free offering which is tax deductible and NECCC will issue a receipt.


Registration fee報名費   Adult 成人 $75, Children孩童 (4-11) $40 , Maximum per family每家最多$225

Check payable to支票抬頭:  Danbury Chinese Alliance Church (or  DCAC)


校方收費標準(三歲以下免費):The following charges include the use all of the facilities.


               成人(或12歲以上): 住宿 $27 /;  餐費 $33.95 /           Cost Breakdown Help  

                孩童                                 住宿 $11.25 /;  餐費 $22.75/       Nearby Restaurants


Bryant University Expense Reference :

             Adults (12 yr +) :   Lodging $27/night,   Meal $33.95/day

            Children (3 -12 yr) :  Lodging $11.25/night,  Meal $22.75/day

                               under 3 : free   


請自行攜帶:聖經,筆記本,文具,樂器,運動服,游泳衣 (室內泳池),及合宜的服裝參加主日  崇拜.  務必自備枕頭,床單和毛毯. (校方不備 ) Please bring your own Bible, stationary, music instruments, swimming suits, etc.  Bring your pillow, linen and blanket.

No pets are allowed per university policy.


報到時間:(Check in schedule)


          8/9         (週四 Thur )                 4 - 6  pm 9-10 pm

          8/10, 8/11 (週五、六 Fri,Sat )   12 - 1  pm , 9-10 pm


注意:用餐須用註冊時校方發的名牌  (Note that it requires badge to enter dining room)